Price List

DescriptionPriceUsers Included5 User Price
Cloud Version - Home - No Charge VersionGBP 01GBP 0
Cloud Version - Basic- Annual SubscriptionGBP 1501GBP 200
Cloud Version - Standard - Annual SubscriptionGBP 4002GBP 200
Cloud Version - Multisite- Annual SubscriptionGBP 6002GBP 200
Cloud Version, Including Asset KeeperGBP 10804GBP 200
Standard version (Microsoft Access or Cloud) GBP 12501GBP 400
Professional version (Microsoft SQL)GBP 150010GBP 400
Professional version, MultisiteGBP 300010GBP 400

Schools and registered NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) are given a 50% discount

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GBP 200 per year
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Papyrus Cloud Price Comparison

Cataloging Books
Subjects, Authors and Series
Number of books/records5005000UnlimitedUnlimited
Multiple Copies of a book
Searching (OPAC)
Stock Take
Textbook Management
Members and Patrons
Add Members or Patrons
Member Photos
ID Cards
Importing Members
Circulation of items to Members
Circulation - Issues and Returns
Lending privileges and Fine Management
Circulation Reports
Overdue Management
Other features
Help Files, Video Tutorials
Customise Parameters
Multiple Locations
Number of UsersOne UserOne UserTwo usersTwo users
Purchase more users
Upgrade to next level
Virtual Training provided at R 900/hour
Trial Periodunlimited3 months3 months3 months
Annual Fee in GBP £No charge£ 160 per year£ 440 per year£ 660 per year
Annual Fee in USD $No charge$ 200 per year$ 550 per yearR 820 per year
Annual Fee in ZARNo chargeR 3300 per yearR 8800 per yearR 13200 per year
Education or NGO Pricing
Annual FeeNo charge50% Discount50% Discount50% Discount