Version History

The following version changes have been released

VersionDate ChangedDescription
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-10Added the BRN number to the User Activity report when an item is issued, returned or renewed
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-10Fixed error when spine label front sizes are invalid numbers
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-10Removed the buttons to print statements and reminders when no member is shown in Front Desk
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-09Added the number of BRNs referenced by an ARN to the Maintain ARNs routine
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-07Ability to update all the stock prices of a textbook to the same price
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-07Added a feature to display the average price of the textbooks.
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-06Show the stored Purchase Order and VAT number on the Account Details page
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-05Sort the Merge BRN options by the number of Copies to speed up merging procedures
Papyrus Cloud2025-Feb-05Setting spine label % size to zero will skip printing the shelf code. If only one shelf code is needed, set spine size 2 and 3 zero.
Papyrus Cloud2025-Jan-31Remove trailing spaces from stock collections so that they are grouped together correctly in reports
Papyrus Cloud2025-Jan-28Add Stock by Location, Collection, Barcode to Stock Reports
Papyrus Cloud2025-Jan-28Add Stock by Barcode to Stock Reports
Papyrus Cloud2025-Jan-15Added Renew All button to Issues and Returns
Papyrus Cloud2025-Jan-15Added Renew All option to Maintain Users
Papyrus Cloud2025-Jan-15Corrected error when there is no due date on an issued item
Papyrus Cloud2025-Jan-15Added Stock Status to Stocktake Enquiry Screen
Papyrus Cloud2024-Dec-11Added Emailing Statements to the Front Desk
Papyrus Cloud2024-Dec-11Merge function now runs as a background Task
Papyrus Cloud2024-Dec-11Improve the searching speed of finding identical ISBDs
Papyrus Cloud2024-Dec-11Add merging identical ISBDs to the Merge BRN
Papyrus Cloud2024-Dec-11Add merging identical ISBNs to the Merge BRN
Papyrus Cloud2024-Dec-11Move the Textbook Import from Routines to under Textbooks
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-27Added an option to select the Location for the Graph of Issues and Returns
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-27Improved the performance of the Graph of Issues and Returns
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-23Overdue emails are now sent in the background to avoid waiting for a response
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-18Changed the Barcode Generator "Next Barcode number" to only access numeric
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-18Added option to see all issued items in the overdue management
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-08Updated the D6+ import routine to check the PhotoURL which was giving errors if it was blank.
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-08Increased timeout queries for Overdues and Importing Members from 30 seconds to 300 seconds to avoid timeout errors.
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-08Added as the main domain for Papyrus Cloud
Papyrus Cloud2024-Nov-08Fix error on Maintain Privileges where the Fine entered incorrectly gives an error
Papyrus Cloud2024-Oct-25Import Members from Wonde now available
Papyrus Cloud2024-Oct-20Added QR code to barcode formats that can be printed
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-26Fix update to second author when it is removed in EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-26Include the description of the Location in the Stock by Location Graph
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-26Improve Merge BRNs to consolidate exactly the same ISBDs
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-26Improve Merge BRNs to not redisplay the page.
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-26Change Import BRNs to update existing Locn, Collection, Shelf and Price
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-12New Highest Publication Usage Report by Type, Category and Date Range. Also export results
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-11New Highest Usage Report for Members, by Type, Category and Date Range. Also export results
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-11Option in Global Parameters to make the Accession Number the same as the barcode number for new books
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-04Added data table to the Issues and Returns Graph
Papyrus Cloud2024-Sep-04Added the number of Members and Books issued to the Issues and Returns Graph
Papyrus Cloud2024-Aug-20Update the form when an Authority is updated in maintenance
Papyrus Cloud2024-Aug-20Fix error on AdvanceCAT which does not insert the title and ISBN of the book
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jul-18Add Quotation button to Library Account menu option for annual estimate of licence fees.
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jul-10Add Email Overdues and History buttons to Issues and Returns screen
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jul-09New COPY button on EasyCAT and AdvanceCAT for close copies of BRNs
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jul-09Added an export button to the User Activity page
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jul-09Added a Stock Take Summary button to the Enquiry page
Papyrus Cloud2024-May-09Corrected {} printing on preprinted barcode labels
Papyrus Cloud2024-May-08Fixed sorting on the Overdues form
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-26Checked the Location of a Member if it exists to prevent error in maintaining a member
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-26Added WorldCAT Marc Import to AdvanceCAT
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Stock Take Enquiry date has been corrected
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Member Import option now has export to Excel function
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Textbook form had Currently Issued tab added
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Home page now only shows top non-textbooks that have been issued in the last 90 days
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Issued and Returns report. Selection for Member Type, Due date and Publication Type added
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Number of Stock Items By Location graph added
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Date Reserved added in Bespeak Enquiry table with hours and minutes shown
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Category added to Member Type field in Bespeak Enquiry table
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Member lookup by name added to Bespeak Member Number field
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Bespeak shortcut added to top of page for quick reference
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Items that have been bespoken/reserved show up in RED on Circulation Front Desk page
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Stocktake Date added to EasyCAT stock tab
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10BRN Statistics added to EasyCAT information tab
Papyrus Cloud2024-Apr-10Changes to Membership Fees
Papyrus Cloud2024-Feb-12Node wrapping on OPAC
PapyrusCloud2024-Feb-08Export Members to XLSX and XML before Promote
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jan-19Stock Take Enquiry opens up EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jan-19Overdues opens up circulation screen
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jan-19Fines for faulty books returned.
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jan-19Circulation only shows current Location; button for all locations
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jan-19All barcodes are PDF or ZPL
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jan-19Import Textbooks
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jan-19ID Photos - options are saved when printing
Papyrus Cloud2024-Jan-03New EasyCAT Layout
Papyrus Cloud2023-Nov-24Mobile Camera Member Photos
Papyrus Cloud2023-Nov-24Mobile Camera Stock Take
Papyrus Cloud2023-Nov-24Bulk returns and delete
Papyrus Cloud2023-Nov-24Bulk returns
Papyrus Cloud2023-Nov-24Browse stock by stock status
Papyrus Cloud2023-Nov-06Add report to print Issues with barcode
Papyrus Cloud2023-Nov-06Add Fault button to Issues and Returns
Papyrus Cloud2023-Nov-06Fines and Charges
Papyrus Cloud2023-Oct-13Import Members - Include further fields
Papyrus Cloud2023-Oct-11Import BRNs - Include further import fields
Papyrus Cloud2023-Sep-11Add additional import fields to Import BRNs
Papyrus Cloud2023-Sep-02For loan length of 0 days, hour feature added to Issues and Returns
Papyrus Cloud2023-Sep-01Interlibrary Loans added
Papyrus Cloud2023-Aug-22Add Reading List Feature
Papyrus Cloud2023-Aug-09Browse and maintain Authority Reference
Papyrus Cloud2023-Aug-08Trim leading space from user email addresses
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jun-23Browse BRN feature added
Papyrus Cloud2023-May-18Import BRNs
Papyrus Cloud2023-May-16Add mapping to Member Import Form
Papyrus Cloud2023-Mar-31Location can select whether the accession number is the same as the barcode number
Papyrus Cloud2023-Mar-31Option to specificy the length of the Accession Number
Papyrus Cloud2023-Mar-14Change format of OPAC Simple to include subjects
Papyrus Cloud2023-Mar-14Add Volume to Stock and EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2023-Mar-13Confirmation button on emailing reminders
Papyrus Cloud2023-Mar-13Option to print spine labels
Papyrus Cloud2023-Mar-13Add 3 sizes of spine labels
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-26Print Logo if no Member Photo
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-21Fixed Barcode Parameters being initialised correctly
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-17Add Clear button to EasyCAT to clear the screen
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-17Include Category in Member Search
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-16Fix Session timeout on Issue, Return and Renew buttons in Issues and Returns
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-16Include option to print barcodes to PDF or HTML5
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-15Preprinted barcodes have 0 "zeros" prefixed to meet barcode length
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-15Added Font Name and size to barcode parameters
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-15All Barcode Printing is now PDF to ensure accurate printing
Papyrus Cloud2023-Feb-15Moved Barcode Parameters from Global Parameters to new menu under Parameters, General
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-30Integration available for Adam
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-30Integration available for d6+
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-30OPAC is now available for all phones
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-30OPAC QR Code for Mobile Phone Searching
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-24Button to remove outdated Holidays
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-24Sort out error when Categories do not exists
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-24New Form for updating Member Type, Category and Status
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-24Import Members for d6 integration
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-24Lookup feature on EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-24Lookup feature on Maintain Members
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-12Include Category into Member Reports by Category and Barcode
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-12Add Notes to OPAC search
Papyrus Cloud2023-Jan-12Include all additional Authors on EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2022-Dec-19Change the Barcode printing of new barcodes to save the Next Barcode number
Papyrus Cloud2022-Dec-18Include a link to EasyCAT in OPAC if a Backoffice user
Papyrus Cloud2022-Dec-18Scale the Bookcover to 90% of the screen size
Papyrus Cloud2022-Dec-16Major change to EasyCat. Move STOCK to separate tab
Papyrus Cloud2022-Nov-28Add the ability to delete a stock item in thge Stock Take enquiry screen
Papyrus Cloud2022-Nov-28Add the ability to change a stock item's status in Stock Take Enquiry
Papyrus Cloud2022-Nov-28Add warning to stock take if an item is outside a shelf range
Papyrus Cloud2022-Nov-28Add warning to stock take if an item is currently on issue
Papyrus Cloud2022-Oct-18Added Spine Labels to barcode print options
7.0.232022-Oct-07Fix uploading of BRNs to the Cloud
Papyrus Cloud2022-Sep-26Fixed Date range on Graphs
Papyrus Cloud2022-Sep-16Allow Hyperlinks of up to 255 characters in EasyCAT
7.0.222022-Sep-16New ADAM mapping integration
7.0.212022-Sep-16Updates to the Backup of ID Photographs
Papyrus Cloud2022-Sep-06Update Spine Label Print to remove spaces between semicolons
Papyrus Cloud2022-Sep-02Add Quotation for renewal fees
Papyrus Cloud2022-Aug-04Correct FastCat error on publication type
Papyrus Cloud2022-Jun-03Include a selection of barcodes or accession numbers to print
Papyrus Cloud2022-Jun-03Add a starting label when printing barcodes
Papyrus Cloud2022-May-12Include Print, Email and Issues links for Overdues
Papyrus Cloud2022-May-12Improve Overdue and Outstanding Fine performance
Papyrus Cloud2022-May-11Ensure Papyrus Members can reserve an item
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-18New Bulk upload for Member Photographs
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-18Drag and Drop bookcover in EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-14Refresh bespeak list for a selected member in Bespeaks form
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-14Dynamic Search by Name on Member Maintenance form
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-14New Member Maintenance Layout
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-06Drag and Drop member photo in Member Maintenance
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-06Drag and drop Library logo in Global Parameters
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-06Mark spine labels as printed; except the last "n" labels
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-04EasyCAT - Arrange fields based on phone, tablet or notebook size
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-04FastCAT - Lookup fields on Author, Subject, Publisher and Series
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-02FastCAT - Lookup fields on Author, Subject, Publisher and Series
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-02FastCAT - Arrange fields based on phone, tablet or notebook size
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-02Default Member Type set as initial value when Adding new Members
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-01Email reminders sent from Papyrus Cloud now have the Library's reply address
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-01Correct Global Parameter Tabs from switching to first Tab on Update
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-01Add 'All Words' and 'Any Words' option to OPAC Searching
Papyrus Cloud2022-Apr-01Correct OPAC Searching when expanding an authority
Papyrus Cloud2022-Mar-31Print option for Bespeaks page
Papyrus Cloud2022-Mar-31Remove expired bespeaks by yesterday, last week, month or year
Papyrus Cloud2022-Mar-30Option to print barcodes from a specifc row on a sheet
Papyrus Cloud2022-Mar-24Option to print Shelf code on Barcode Label
Papyrus Cloud2022-Mar-24Merge BRNs facility now included
Papyrus Cloud2022-Mar-24Open Current Issues in new window from Overdues
Papyrus Cloud2022-Mar-24Prevent delete of stock if still issued in EAsyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2022-Mar-12Error when sorting Outstanding fines
Papyrus Cloud2022-Feb-28Fix print layout of Member's RM Transactions to fit printed page
Papyrus Cloud2022-Feb-28Change Main Menu layout, logo, Login icon and Library Name
Papyrus Cloud2022-Feb-26Changes to OPAC to accommodate Desktop, Notepad and Mobile format
7.0.172022-Feb-22Error messsage if there is no company logo when printing ID Cards
Papyrus Cloud2022-Jan-19Fixed Member Status on import of member file
7.0.162022-Jan-12Issues and Returns - Add Textbook Print Report
7.0.162022-Jan-12Issues and Returns - fix Current, Historic and Overdue Reports
7.0.152022-Jan-12Allow comma and semicolon delimeted fields in CSV
7.0.152022-Jan-12Importing Members - ensure there are more than 6 fields
Papyrus Cloud2021-Nov-18Print Barcodes by Barcode Range
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-26Option to update Bookcover or upload bookcover
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-26Show bookcover on OPAC
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-26Fix collapsed menus and submenus
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-22Allow Currency Symbol when adding price to stock
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-22Added Publication Templates to Parameters Menu
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-22AdvanceCAT beta released
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-22Include the ISBD prefix on EasyCAT and AdvanceCAT
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-20Exposed the Promote to option in Member Types
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-20Fixed application error when trying to sort overdue items
7.0.142021-Oct-17Rescale photos to 600 x 400 if they are larger. Resolution is kept to the highest.
7.0.142021-Oct-17Automatically delete old photographs of deleted members
7.0.142021-Oct-17Large ID photos making the database slow. Added in Maintain ID Photos into Maintenance Menu
7.0.142021-Oct-17Database Integrity is moved to Information menu
7.0.142021-Oct-17Removed database validity check on program startup to speed up starting
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-11Added Library Logo to reports
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-11Include Culture information in threads of Papyrus
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-11Correct EasyCAT error for email addresses longer than 30
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-11Upload bookcover for items missing an ISBN
Papyrus Cloud2021-Oct-01Fix error when stock item price is blank
Papyrus Cloud2021-Sep-29Clear previous Publisher when new stock item is added
7.0.132021-Sep-29Company Logo was truncating to 1024 bytes
7.0.132021-Sep-29Moved from 1 to 2 users in Standard Version
Papyrus Cloud2021-Sep-23Added fine on books overdue that are renewed
Papyrus Cloud2021-Sep-23Renewed items due date changed from 20h00 to midnight
Papyrus Cloud2021-Sep-23Clear the Accession Number after an item has been renewed
Papyrus Cloud2021-Sep-23Allow non members to request a book to be reserved by email
Papyrus Cloud2021-Sep-22Update Barcode and Accession Counters based on Location
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jul-09Include a Hyperlink for the BRN
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jul-09Include Attachment details in OPAC
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jul-09Attachment viewer
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jul-09Allow multiple attachments per BRN
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jul-09Include SIP2 Protocol Support
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-25Print buttons for Current and History Issues and Returns in Front Desk
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-22Correct Print report on Overdue Items
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-22Print option on Outstanding Fines
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-22Selection options on Outstanding Fines
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-22Auto scan option added to Stock Take enquiry for items currently issued
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-22Stock Take Enquiry with print and export
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-22Stock Take added
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-19Display the Shelf, Collection and Location of an item on Issues and Returns
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-19Add Training Videos
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-17Display the members who have reserved books in date when it is returned
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-17Display the reservations for an item in date reserved order on Issues and Returns
Papyrus Cloud2021-Jun-17Print Barcode Labels Catalogued since today by Location
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-27Sample Member Import File download
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-27Ability to Import Members menu item
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-27Added Admin Type to Member Parameters Form for importing Members
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-21Overdue Management selects a future date for overdues
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-21Overdue Management shows number of items issued, overdue and days overdue
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-21User Activity filtered by Activity Type and Date
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-20Ensure Renew Date is on a working day and not a holiday
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-20New Member Maintenance Searching, including drop down list of members
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-20Transaction Detailed report from Summary
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-20Added the details of fines on WAIVED and CASH
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-20Changed the button colours on Circulations
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-20Updated EasyCAT from Beta to Live
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-17Transaction Summary by month
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-17Member Transaction Report for printing
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-14Added an Update BRN Maintenance Function
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-14Add Textbook Stats by Location
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-14Include Textbook circulations in Front desk
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-14Add Textbook Function for bulk adding Textbooks
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-14Include Bookcover on Front Desk
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-14Include Member Photo on Front Desk
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-11Detailed Issue Information page from EasyCAT, Member Maintenance and Front Desk
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-11Included Circulation Details to EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-11Included Circulation Details to Member Maintenance
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-08Last Updated date and user now updating
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-08Included BRN Information Tab to EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-08Added Version 3 of EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-06Keep the current Member Type when updating
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-06Keep the current Publication Type when updating
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-06Set Default Publication Type on New BRN
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-06Corrected Dewey / MARC 676b display
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-05Amount in Fine Management can be in local currency or decimal format
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-05Issue and Return Buttons disable when pressed to prevent double issue
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-05Included Barcode in Bespeak message
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-05Added Credit Button to Member's Transactions
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-05Changed Barcode Layout to scale to 80% of barcode width
Papyrus Cloud2021-May-05Changed ID Photo layout for double sided
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-20Added Activity Tracking and Report
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-17Corrected Company Logo display issues
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-16Added Issues by Month Graphic
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-16Added Member Types Graphic
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-16Added Publication Types Graphic
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-15Barcodes printed by Location
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-15OPAC searching by Location included
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-09Regional Settings added to Global Parameters
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-09Issues and Returns Buttons regrouped logically
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-09Override Bespeaks and Privileges added to Users
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-09Accession Number or Barcode of issued by entered into the AccNo field brings up the issued book.
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-09OPAC Search Buttons Changed
Papyrus Cloud2021-Apr-07Each Location has its own Next Barcode Number and Prefix
7.0.92021-Apr-07Allow Large Logos to be uploaded
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Stock Report by Date Range
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Inlude Articles and Common Terms to Global Parameters
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Transaction Details for a Member
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Overdue Management
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Circulation Details on EasyCAT
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Bespeaks now allow unlimited reserve until date
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Show Barcode and AccNo on Issues
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Deleted Stock Audit Trail added
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Bespeaks/Reservations Adde
Papyrus Cloud2021-Mar-26Fine Management Added
7.0.82021-Mar-10Add Stock on EasyCAT now carries the selected Location as well
7.0.82021-Mar-10Stock Export Screen has been simplified
7.0.82021-Mar-10Once a member is merged, the merged member is opened so it can be deleted
7.0.82021-Mar-10Merge Members have search ability to find a member
7.0.82021-Mar-10EasyCAT drill down on Merge BRNs
7.0.82021-Mar-10Setup Database Connection enables Save Button once a connection is made
7.0.82021-Mar-10ID Photos now use imported Company Logo
7.0.82021-Mar-10Import Company Logo in Global Parameters
7.0.72020-Dec-08Stocktake enquiry takes too long. Select first Publication Type
7.0.72020-Dec-08Correct Location on Stats
7.0.72020-Dec-08Only print BRNS marked as Textbooks for stats bookcovers can be dragged onto the bookcover in EasyCAT text SAVE to save button the description of what ISBD means on EasyCat, Stock Take, Stock Take Enquiry now allows All Publication Types and All Locations a new workstation is added, indicate to which email address authorisation is sent the Parameters, Users screen if a new workstation is added a Test button on the Global Parameters screen, Mail Options for testing email settings the domain from the SMTP settings Released the Stock Taking Reports which were blank the import of Stock Take files and processing Released First Name for Staff List Import from ADAM Released Global Parameters Spine Label Parameters Maintain, Import Members from CSV and Excel files for files not having all columns Released Staff Integration for ADAM Integration into the ADAM admin system Import of Member Information of Member information using Excel Directory is only checked if selected in the Data Connection Screen settings contain use AD setting to improve startup screen the Setup Data Screen Maintenance to a Backoffice Function Released the Promote Field in the Member Types to the same member type if blank or invalid the Search screen if the Backoffice button is selected and the correct password entered the Licencing method is Active Directory, the USER screen is updated automatically the calculation of items issued for databases with corrupt BRN Links the Password Screen for Quotas on Front Desk to show the quota determination released the error on the Addition of a new Location the barcode to the admission number if it is blank in Engage member import released to the Cloud Backup for issues ISBNDB message the database location in the Help, About screen of users is set to 1 if there is no internet. Alter to remain at the current number of licences released the Database Connection failed message more detailed Collection and Shelf to the Scholastic Literacy Pro export the Members Uploaded Flag if it is null email tag from#isbn to #isbd Export date range does not include last date released a menu strip to simple OPAC to show how many records were found patches with connections released Patches released list of Publication Type buttons in simple OPAC released a computer is put to sleep, the connection to the database is closed. Closed the Connecting Status and reopened stock details screen displays the member who has the book out, if the reveal Member is selected for the licenced papyrus user a stock details button to the book details screen. This displays each stock item additional information to a Book's details when a book cover is clicked Front Office error message when privileges have not been defined. BRN for Cloud backup without querying the database each time Simple OPAC to EasyCAT Simple OPAC to Main Menu. new Simple OPAC searching screen to Scholastic Literacy Pro format to select a particular location released ISBN cataloging record where the place and date are swapped cataloguing record downloads for Title, ISBN in EasyCAT error when an Authority such as a SERIES with a volume number is added when linking any currency formating using commas to decimal points when updating the database released Members crashes when no photo is present. Resolved released Staff details from Engage including email address TAB sequence in Members Maintenance screen. Fix save error 3 of 9 Barcode font in deployment package Released facility to merge Member records. Circulation records from one member can be transferred to another member for the book cover when a new BRN is saved the second email in any reminder email previous photo of a member if no photo has been loaded for a new member in Front Desk second email address to member for reminders. Useful for children's parents to receive notification the revealing of who has taken out a book from a global setting to that linked to the user Released a Print ID Card button to the Member Maintenance screen the messages in Stock Take to include a sound. the description of the Stock Status in the message in Front Office when the status does not allow issuing a new BRN is created, the cover is not searched and updated some errors in EasyCAT when searching for a new book by ISBN a new BRN is created, and the number alread exists, a critical eror is displayed. Now a user firnedly message is displayed is released ISBN search in EasyCAT sometimes returns an error Toolstrip on OPACToolbar which disappears to the RHS if the user is part of the [Papyrus Users] AD user group and get the connection settings if available trailing spaces on Accession Number and Barcodes before printing spine labels the printing of ID cards to the Member Screen error in menu Info when checking Invalid Barcodes. Check for Members with a member number the same as an accession number or barcode the error when a spine printer has not been selected and printing Avery spine labels. Set to the default printer the size if the Spine Printer field in Gl;obal Settings the Search result Toolstrips are left aligned an Item in OPAC is selected, the OK, the OK the OK button becomes active to select the item the Authority records when a BRN is double clicked in OPAC searching for book covers matched a previous book's cover to the next book if the next record was selected before it found a cover using a photo directory, photos cannot be found unless the path has a trailing \ Cataloguing, if a stock item was entered first, an UPDATE error occured when the SAVE button was clicked setup file SETUP.EXE is now signed with a SSL Certificate which authenticates Parity Software as the Developer the Updating of Issues and Members to the Papyrus Cloud bottom of main screen to show how many member records and issues need to be uploaded Uploading of Issues to be more efficient and to include History if selected in Cloud Backup of Professional Version from 5 to 6 had problems increasing the USERS field from 10 to 50 characters. an option in the Front Desk to have three email options: Only the Overdues, All Issued Items and All History the email reminders to have the reminder and date due on seperate tags #overdue and #reminder. #accno and #barcode in the tags for the email body in reminders. Screen changed in Global Parameters, Mailing Options Issued items that were not overdue in email reminders Desk only displayed Issued items when the books were correctly linked. If an accession number was moved from one book to another, items didn't display Email Reminders to have items listed by the most overdue Setup Data screen now has an AD connection option for quick setup in Active Directory Sites the data connection is being setup for the first time, if Active Directory is being used, the connection string will be retrieved from the Papyrus Users AD notes attribute