Version | Date Changed | Description |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-10 | Added the BRN number to the User Activity report when an item is issued, returned or renewed |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-10 | Fixed error when spine label front sizes are invalid numbers |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-10 | Removed the buttons to print statements and reminders when no member is shown in Front Desk |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-09 | Added the number of BRNs referenced by an ARN to the Maintain ARNs routine |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-07 | Ability to update all the stock prices of a textbook to the same price |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-07 | Added a feature to display the average price of the textbooks. |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-06 | Show the stored Purchase Order and VAT number on the Account Details page |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-05 | Sort the Merge BRN options by the number of Copies to speed up merging procedures |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Feb-05 | Setting spine label % size to zero will skip printing the shelf code. If only one shelf code is needed, set spine size 2 and 3 zero. |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Jan-31 | Remove trailing spaces from stock collections so that they are grouped together correctly in reports |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Jan-28 | Add Stock by Location, Collection, Barcode to Stock Reports |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Jan-28 | Add Stock by Barcode to Stock Reports |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Jan-15 | Added Renew All button to Issues and Returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Jan-15 | Added Renew All option to Maintain Users |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Jan-15 | Corrected error when there is no due date on an issued item |
Papyrus Cloud | 2025-Jan-15 | Added Stock Status to Stocktake Enquiry Screen |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Dec-11 | Added Emailing Statements to the Front Desk |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Dec-11 | Merge function now runs as a background Task |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Dec-11 | Improve the searching speed of finding identical ISBDs |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Dec-11 | Add merging identical ISBDs to the Merge BRN |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Dec-11 | Add merging identical ISBNs to the Merge BRN |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Dec-11 | Move the Textbook Import from Routines to under Textbooks |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-27 | Added an option to select the Location for the Graph of Issues and Returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-27 | Improved the performance of the Graph of Issues and Returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-23 | Overdue emails are now sent in the background to avoid waiting for a response |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-18 | Changed the Barcode Generator "Next Barcode number" to only access numeric |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-18 | Added option to see all issued items in the overdue management |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-08 | Updated the D6+ import routine to check the PhotoURL which was giving errors if it was blank. |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-08 | Increased timeout queries for Overdues and Importing Members from 30 seconds to 300 seconds to avoid timeout errors. |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-08 | Added as the main domain for Papyrus Cloud |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Nov-08 | Fix error on Maintain Privileges where the Fine entered incorrectly gives an error |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Oct-25 | Import Members from Wonde now available |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Oct-20 | Added QR code to barcode formats that can be printed |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-26 | Fix update to second author when it is removed in EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-26 | Include the description of the Location in the Stock by Location Graph |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-26 | Improve Merge BRNs to consolidate exactly the same ISBDs |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-26 | Improve Merge BRNs to not redisplay the page. |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-26 | Change Import BRNs to update existing Locn, Collection, Shelf and Price |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-12 | New Highest Publication Usage Report by Type, Category and Date Range. Also export results |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-11 | New Highest Usage Report for Members, by Type, Category and Date Range. Also export results |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-11 | Option in Global Parameters to make the Accession Number the same as the barcode number for new books |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-04 | Added data table to the Issues and Returns Graph |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Sep-04 | Added the number of Members and Books issued to the Issues and Returns Graph |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Aug-20 | Update the form when an Authority is updated in maintenance |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Aug-20 | Fix error on AdvanceCAT which does not insert the title and ISBN of the book |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jul-18 | Add Quotation button to Library Account menu option for annual estimate of licence fees. |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jul-10 | Add Email Overdues and History buttons to Issues and Returns screen |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jul-09 | New COPY button on EasyCAT and AdvanceCAT for close copies of BRNs |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jul-09 | Added an export button to the User Activity page |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jul-09 | Added a Stock Take Summary button to the Enquiry page |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-May-09 | Corrected {} printing on preprinted barcode labels |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-May-08 | Fixed sorting on the Overdues form |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-26 | Checked the Location of a Member if it exists to prevent error in maintaining a member |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-26 | Added WorldCAT Marc Import to AdvanceCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Stock Take Enquiry date has been corrected |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Member Import option now has export to Excel function |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Textbook form had Currently Issued tab added |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Home page now only shows top non-textbooks that have been issued in the last 90 days |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Issued and Returns report. Selection for Member Type, Due date and Publication Type added |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Number of Stock Items By Location graph added |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Date Reserved added in Bespeak Enquiry table with hours and minutes shown |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Category added to Member Type field in Bespeak Enquiry table |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Member lookup by name added to Bespeak Member Number field |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Bespeak shortcut added to top of page for quick reference |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Items that have been bespoken/reserved show up in RED on Circulation Front Desk page |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Stocktake Date added to EasyCAT stock tab |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | BRN Statistics added to EasyCAT information tab |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Apr-10 | Changes to Membership Fees |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Feb-12 | Node wrapping on OPAC |
PapyrusCloud | 2024-Feb-08 | Export Members to XLSX and XML before Promote |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jan-19 | Stock Take Enquiry opens up EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jan-19 | Overdues opens up circulation screen |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jan-19 | Fines for faulty books returned. |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jan-19 | Circulation only shows current Location; button for all locations |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jan-19 | All barcodes are PDF or ZPL |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jan-19 | Import Textbooks |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jan-19 | ID Photos - options are saved when printing |
Papyrus Cloud | 2024-Jan-03 | New EasyCAT Layout |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Nov-24 | Mobile Camera Member Photos |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Nov-24 | Mobile Camera Stock Take |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Nov-24 | Bulk returns and delete |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Nov-24 | Bulk returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Nov-24 | Browse stock by stock status |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Nov-06 | Add report to print Issues with barcode |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Nov-06 | Add Fault button to Issues and Returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Nov-06 | Fines and Charges |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Oct-13 | Import Members - Include further fields |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Oct-11 | Import BRNs - Include further import fields |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Sep-11 | Add additional import fields to Import BRNs |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Sep-02 | For loan length of 0 days, hour feature added to Issues and Returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Sep-01 | Interlibrary Loans added |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Aug-22 | Add Reading List Feature |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Aug-09 | Browse and maintain Authority Reference |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Aug-08 | Trim leading space from user email addresses |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jun-23 | Browse BRN feature added |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-May-18 | Import BRNs |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-May-16 | Add mapping to Member Import Form |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Mar-31 | Location can select whether the accession number is the same as the barcode number |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Mar-31 | Option to specificy the length of the Accession Number |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Mar-14 | Change format of OPAC Simple to include subjects |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Mar-14 | Add Volume to Stock and EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Mar-13 | Confirmation button on emailing reminders |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Mar-13 | Option to print spine labels |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Mar-13 | Add 3 sizes of spine labels |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-26 | Print Logo if no Member Photo |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-21 | Fixed Barcode Parameters being initialised correctly |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-17 | Add Clear button to EasyCAT to clear the screen |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-17 | Include Category in Member Search |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-16 | Fix Session timeout on Issue, Return and Renew buttons in Issues and Returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-16 | Include option to print barcodes to PDF or HTML5 |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-15 | Preprinted barcodes have 0 "zeros" prefixed to meet barcode length |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-15 | Added Font Name and size to barcode parameters |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-15 | All Barcode Printing is now PDF to ensure accurate printing |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Feb-15 | Moved Barcode Parameters from Global Parameters to new menu under Parameters, General |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-30 | Integration available for Adam |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-30 | Integration available for d6+ |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-30 | OPAC is now available for all phones |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-30 | OPAC QR Code for Mobile Phone Searching |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-24 | Button to remove outdated Holidays |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-24 | Sort out error when Categories do not exists |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-24 | New Form for updating Member Type, Category and Status |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-24 | Import Members for d6 integration |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-24 | Lookup feature on EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-24 | Lookup feature on Maintain Members |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-12 | Include Category into Member Reports by Category and Barcode |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-12 | Add Notes to OPAC search |
Papyrus Cloud | 2023-Jan-12 | Include all additional Authors on EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Dec-19 | Change the Barcode printing of new barcodes to save the Next Barcode number |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Dec-18 | Include a link to EasyCAT in OPAC if a Backoffice user |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Dec-18 | Scale the Bookcover to 90% of the screen size |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Dec-16 | Major change to EasyCat. Move STOCK to separate tab |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Nov-28 | Add the ability to delete a stock item in thge Stock Take enquiry screen |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Nov-28 | Add the ability to change a stock item's status in Stock Take Enquiry |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Nov-28 | Add warning to stock take if an item is outside a shelf range |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Nov-28 | Add warning to stock take if an item is currently on issue |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Oct-18 | Added Spine Labels to barcode print options |
7.0.23 | 2022-Oct-07 | Fix uploading of BRNs to the Cloud |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Sep-26 | Fixed Date range on Graphs |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Sep-16 | Allow Hyperlinks of up to 255 characters in EasyCAT |
7.0.22 | 2022-Sep-16 | New ADAM mapping integration |
7.0.21 | 2022-Sep-16 | Updates to the Backup of ID Photographs |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Sep-06 | Update Spine Label Print to remove spaces between semicolons |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Sep-02 | Add Quotation for renewal fees |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Aug-04 | Correct FastCat error on publication type |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Jun-03 | Include a selection of barcodes or accession numbers to print |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Jun-03 | Add a starting label when printing barcodes |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-May-12 | Include Print, Email and Issues links for Overdues |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-May-12 | Improve Overdue and Outstanding Fine performance |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-May-11 | Ensure Papyrus Members can reserve an item |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-18 | New Bulk upload for Member Photographs |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-18 | Drag and Drop bookcover in EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-14 | Refresh bespeak list for a selected member in Bespeaks form |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-14 | Dynamic Search by Name on Member Maintenance form |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-14 | New Member Maintenance Layout |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-06 | Drag and Drop member photo in Member Maintenance |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-06 | Drag and drop Library logo in Global Parameters |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-06 | Mark spine labels as printed; except the last "n" labels |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-04 | EasyCAT - Arrange fields based on phone, tablet or notebook size |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-04 | FastCAT - Lookup fields on Author, Subject, Publisher and Series |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-02 | FastCAT - Lookup fields on Author, Subject, Publisher and Series |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-02 | FastCAT - Arrange fields based on phone, tablet or notebook size |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-02 | Default Member Type set as initial value when Adding new Members |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-01 | Email reminders sent from Papyrus Cloud now have the Library's reply address |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-01 | Correct Global Parameter Tabs from switching to first Tab on Update |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-01 | Add 'All Words' and 'Any Words' option to OPAC Searching |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Apr-01 | Correct OPAC Searching when expanding an authority |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Mar-31 | Print option for Bespeaks page |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Mar-31 | Remove expired bespeaks by yesterday, last week, month or year |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Mar-30 | Option to print barcodes from a specifc row on a sheet |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Mar-24 | Option to print Shelf code on Barcode Label |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Mar-24 | Merge BRNs facility now included |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Mar-24 | Open Current Issues in new window from Overdues |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Mar-24 | Prevent delete of stock if still issued in EAsyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Mar-12 | Error when sorting Outstanding fines |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Feb-28 | Fix print layout of Member's RM Transactions to fit printed page |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Feb-28 | Change Main Menu layout, logo, Login icon and Library Name |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Feb-26 | Changes to OPAC to accommodate Desktop, Notepad and Mobile format |
7.0.17 | 2022-Feb-22 | Error messsage if there is no company logo when printing ID Cards |
Papyrus Cloud | 2022-Jan-19 | Fixed Member Status on import of member file |
7.0.16 | 2022-Jan-12 | Issues and Returns - Add Textbook Print Report |
7.0.16 | 2022-Jan-12 | Issues and Returns - fix Current, Historic and Overdue Reports |
7.0.15 | 2022-Jan-12 | Allow comma and semicolon delimeted fields in CSV |
7.0.15 | 2022-Jan-12 | Importing Members - ensure there are more than 6 fields |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Nov-18 | Print Barcodes by Barcode Range |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-26 | Option to update Bookcover or upload bookcover |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-26 | Show bookcover on OPAC |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-26 | Fix collapsed menus and submenus |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-22 | Allow Currency Symbol when adding price to stock |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-22 | Added Publication Templates to Parameters Menu |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-22 | AdvanceCAT beta released |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-22 | Include the ISBD prefix on EasyCAT and AdvanceCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-20 | Exposed the Promote to option in Member Types |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-20 | Fixed application error when trying to sort overdue items |
7.0.14 | 2021-Oct-17 | Rescale photos to 600 x 400 if they are larger. Resolution is kept to the highest. |
7.0.14 | 2021-Oct-17 | Automatically delete old photographs of deleted members |
7.0.14 | 2021-Oct-17 | Large ID photos making the database slow. Added in Maintain ID Photos into Maintenance Menu |
7.0.14 | 2021-Oct-17 | Database Integrity is moved to Information menu |
7.0.14 | 2021-Oct-17 | Removed database validity check on program startup to speed up starting |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-11 | Added Library Logo to reports |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-11 | Include Culture information in threads of Papyrus |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-11 | Correct EasyCAT error for email addresses longer than 30 |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-11 | Upload bookcover for items missing an ISBN |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Oct-01 | Fix error when stock item price is blank |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Sep-29 | Clear previous Publisher when new stock item is added |
7.0.13 | 2021-Sep-29 | Company Logo was truncating to 1024 bytes |
7.0.13 | 2021-Sep-29 | Moved from 1 to 2 users in Standard Version |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Sep-23 | Added fine on books overdue that are renewed |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Sep-23 | Renewed items due date changed from 20h00 to midnight |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Sep-23 | Clear the Accession Number after an item has been renewed |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Sep-23 | Allow non members to request a book to be reserved by email |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Sep-22 | Update Barcode and Accession Counters based on Location |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jul-09 | Include a Hyperlink for the BRN |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jul-09 | Include Attachment details in OPAC |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jul-09 | Attachment viewer |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jul-09 | Allow multiple attachments per BRN |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jul-09 | Include SIP2 Protocol Support |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-25 | Print buttons for Current and History Issues and Returns in Front Desk |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-22 | Correct Print report on Overdue Items |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-22 | Print option on Outstanding Fines |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-22 | Selection options on Outstanding Fines |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-22 | Auto scan option added to Stock Take enquiry for items currently issued |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-22 | Stock Take Enquiry with print and export |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-22 | Stock Take added |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-19 | Display the Shelf, Collection and Location of an item on Issues and Returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-19 | Add Training Videos |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-17 | Display the members who have reserved books in date when it is returned |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-17 | Display the reservations for an item in date reserved order on Issues and Returns |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Jun-17 | Print Barcode Labels Catalogued since today by Location |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-27 | Sample Member Import File download |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-27 | Ability to Import Members menu item |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-27 | Added Admin Type to Member Parameters Form for importing Members |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-21 | Overdue Management selects a future date for overdues |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-21 | Overdue Management shows number of items issued, overdue and days overdue |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-21 | User Activity filtered by Activity Type and Date |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-20 | Ensure Renew Date is on a working day and not a holiday |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-20 | New Member Maintenance Searching, including drop down list of members |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-20 | Transaction Detailed report from Summary |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-20 | Added the details of fines on WAIVED and CASH |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-20 | Changed the button colours on Circulations |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-20 | Updated EasyCAT from Beta to Live |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-17 | Transaction Summary by month |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-17 | Member Transaction Report for printing |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-14 | Added an Update BRN Maintenance Function |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-14 | Add Textbook Stats by Location |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-14 | Include Textbook circulations in Front desk |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-14 | Add Textbook Function for bulk adding Textbooks |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-14 | Include Bookcover on Front Desk |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-14 | Include Member Photo on Front Desk |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-11 | Detailed Issue Information page from EasyCAT, Member Maintenance and Front Desk |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-11 | Included Circulation Details to EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-11 | Included Circulation Details to Member Maintenance |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-08 | Last Updated date and user now updating |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-08 | Included BRN Information Tab to EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-08 | Added Version 3 of EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-06 | Keep the current Member Type when updating |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-06 | Keep the current Publication Type when updating |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-06 | Set Default Publication Type on New BRN |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-06 | Corrected Dewey / MARC 676b display |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-05 | Amount in Fine Management can be in local currency or decimal format |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-05 | Issue and Return Buttons disable when pressed to prevent double issue |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-05 | Included Barcode in Bespeak message |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-05 | Added Credit Button to Member's Transactions |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-05 | Changed Barcode Layout to scale to 80% of barcode width |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-May-05 | Changed ID Photo layout for double sided |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-20 | Added Activity Tracking and Report |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-17 | Corrected Company Logo display issues |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-16 | Added Issues by Month Graphic |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-16 | Added Member Types Graphic |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-16 | Added Publication Types Graphic |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-15 | Barcodes printed by Location |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-15 | OPAC searching by Location included |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-09 | Regional Settings added to Global Parameters |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-09 | Issues and Returns Buttons regrouped logically |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-09 | Override Bespeaks and Privileges added to Users |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-09 | Accession Number or Barcode of issued by entered into the AccNo field brings up the issued book. |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-09 | OPAC Search Buttons Changed |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Apr-07 | Each Location has its own Next Barcode Number and Prefix |
7.0.9 | 2021-Apr-07 | Allow Large Logos to be uploaded |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Stock Report by Date Range |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Inlude Articles and Common Terms to Global Parameters |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Transaction Details for a Member |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Overdue Management |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Circulation Details on EasyCAT |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Bespeaks now allow unlimited reserve until date |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Show Barcode and AccNo on Issues |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Deleted Stock Audit Trail added |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Bespeaks/Reservations Adde |
Papyrus Cloud | 2021-Mar-26 | Fine Management Added |
7.0.8 | 2021-Mar-10 | Add Stock on EasyCAT now carries the selected Location as well |
7.0.8 | 2021-Mar-10 | Stock Export Screen has been simplified |
7.0.8 | 2021-Mar-10 | Once a member is merged, the merged member is opened so it can be deleted |
7.0.8 | 2021-Mar-10 | Merge Members have search ability to find a member |
7.0.8 | 2021-Mar-10 | EasyCAT drill down on Merge BRNs |
7.0.8 | 2021-Mar-10 | Setup Database Connection enables Save Button once a connection is made |
7.0.8 | 2021-Mar-10 | ID Photos now use imported Company Logo |
7.0.8 | 2021-Mar-10 | Import Company Logo in Global Parameters |
7.0.7 | 2020-Dec-08 | Stocktake enquiry takes too long. Select first Publication Type |
7.0.7 | 2020-Dec-08 | Correct Location on Stats |
7.0.7 | 2020-Dec-08 | Only print BRNS marked as Textbooks for stats | | 2020-Nov-19 | PNG bookcovers can be dragged onto the bookcover in EasyCAT | | 2020-Nov-19 | Added text SAVE to save button | | 2020-Nov-19 | Added the description of what ISBD means on EasyCat | | 2020-Nov-19 | Routines, Stock Take, Stock Take Enquiry now allows All Publication Types and All Locations | | 2020-Nov-19 | When a new workstation is added, indicate to which email address authorisation is sent | | 2020-Nov-19 | Open the Parameters, Users screen if a new workstation is added | | 2020-Nov-19 | Added a Test button on the Global Parameters screen, Mail Options for testing email settings | | 2020-Nov-19 | Removed the domain from the SMTP settings | | 2020-Nov-16 | Version Released | | 2020-Nov-16 | Corrected the Stock Taking Reports which were blank | | 2020-Oct-31 | Allow the import of Stock Take files and processing | | 2020-Feb-20 | Version Released | | 2020-Feb-20 | Corrected First Name for Staff List Import from ADAM | | 2020-Jan-16 | Version Released | | 2020-Jan-16 | Update Global Parameters Spine Label Parameters | | 2020-Jan-15 | Correct Maintain, Import Members from CSV and Excel files for files not having all columns | | 2019-Dec-03 | Version Released | | 2019-Dec-03 | Added Staff Integration for ADAM | | 2019-Nov-14 | Added Integration into the ADAM admin system | | 2019-Nov-14 | Fixed Import of Member Information of Member information using Excel | | 2019-Nov-14 | Active Directory is only checked if selected in the Data Connection Screen | | 2019-Nov-14 | Workstation settings contain use AD setting to improve startup screen | | 2019-Nov-14 | Changed the Setup Data Screen | | 2019-Jul-23 | Moved Maintenance to a Backoffice Function | | 2019-Jul-23 | Version Released | | 2019-Jul-23 | Update the Promote Field in the Member Types to the same member type if blank or invalid | | 2019-Jul-23 | Close the Search screen if the Backoffice button is selected and the correct password entered | | 2019-Jul-23 | If the Licencing method is Active Directory, the USER screen is updated automatically | | 2019-Jul-23 | Corrected the calculation of items issued for databases with corrupt BRN Links | | 2019-Jul-23 | Changed the Password Screen for Quotas on Front Desk to show the quota determination | | 2019-Jul-15 | Version released | | 2019-Jul-15 | Correct the error on the Addition of a new Location | | 2019-May-16 | Set the barcode to the admission number if it is blank in Engage member import | | 2019-May-14 | Version released | | 2019-May-14 | Changes to the Cloud Backup for issues | | 2019-May-14 | Change ISBNDB message | | 2019-Apr-12 | Add the database location in the Help, About screen | | 2019-Apr-11 | Number of users is set to 1 if there is no internet. Alter to remain at the current number of licences | | 2019-Apr-10 | Version released | | 2019-Apr-10 | Make the Database Connection failed message more detailed | | 2019-Apr-10 | Include Collection and Shelf to the Scholastic Literacy Pro export | | 2019-Apr-10 | Update the Members Uploaded Flag if it is null | | 2019-Mar-29 | Change email tag from#isbn to #isbd | | 2019-Mar-20 | Stock Export date range does not include last date | | 2019-Mar-14 | Version released | | 2019-Mar-14 | Added a menu strip to simple OPAC to show how many records were found | | 2019-Mar-14 | Various patches with connections | | 2019-Mar-13 | Version released | | 2019-Mar-13 | Various Patches | | 2019-Mar-12 | Version released | | 2019-Mar-12 | Correct list of Publication Type buttons in simple OPAC | | 2019-Mar-12 | Version released | | 2019-Mar-12 | When a computer is put to sleep, the connection to the database is closed. Closed the Connecting Status and reopened | | 2019-Mar-12 | The stock details screen displays the member who has the book out, if the reveal Member is selected for the licenced papyrus user | | 2019-Mar-12 | Added a stock details button to the book details screen. This displays each stock item | | 2019-Mar-12 | Add additional information to a Book's details when a book cover is clicked | | 2019-Mar-12 | Change Front Office error message when privileges have not been defined. | | 2019-Mar-12 | Queue BRN for Cloud backup without querying the database each time | | 2019-Mar-12 | Add Simple OPAC to EasyCAT | | 2019-Mar-12 | Add Simple OPAC to Main Menu. | | 2019-Mar-12 | Introduce new Simple OPAC searching screen | | 2019-Mar-01 | Updates to Scholastic Literacy Pro format to select a particular location | | 2019-Feb-12 | Version released | | 2019-Feb-12 | Correct ISBN cataloging record where the place and date are swapped | | 2019-Feb-12 | Update cataloguing record downloads for Title, ISBN in EasyCAT | | 2019-Feb-06 | Correct error when an Authority such as a SERIES with a volume number is added when linking | | 2019-Feb-05 | Changed any currency formating using commas to decimal points when updating the database | | 2019-Jan-22 | Version released | | 2019-Jan-22 | Importing Members crashes when no photo is present. Resolved | | 2018-Dec-04 | Version released | | 2018-Dec-03 | Update Staff details from Engage including email address | | 2018-Dec-03 | Correct TAB sequence in Members Maintenance screen. Fix save error | | 2018-Dec-03 | Include 3 of 9 Barcode font in deployment package | | 2018-Dec-03 | Version Released | | 2018-Dec-03 | New facility to merge Member records. Circulation records from one member can be transferred to another member | | 2018-Nov-30 | Search for the book cover when a new BRN is saved | | 2018-Nov-30 | Include the second email in any reminder email | | 2018-Nov-30 | Remove previous photo of a member if no photo has been loaded for a new member in Front Desk | | 2018-Nov-30 | Added second email address to member for reminders. Useful for children's parents to receive notification | | 2018-Nov-21 | Changed the revealing of who has taken out a book from a global setting to that linked to the user | | 2018-Nov-05 | Version Released | | 2018-Nov-01 | Add a Print ID Card button to the Member Maintenance screen | | 2018-Nov-01 | Change the messages in Stock Take to include a sound. | | 2018-Nov-01 | Included the description of the Stock Status in the message in Front Office when the status does not allow issuing | | 2018-Nov-01 | When a new BRN is created, the cover is not searched and updated | | 2018-Nov-01 | Correcting some errors in EasyCAT when searching for a new book by ISBN | | 2018-Nov-01 | When a new BRN is created, and the number alread exists, a critical eror is displayed. Now a user firnedly message is displayed | | 2018-Oct-24 | Version is released | | 2018-Oct-24 | The ISBN search in EasyCAT sometimes returns an error | | 2018-Oct-24 | Correct Toolstrip on OPACToolbar which disappears to the RHS | | 2018-Oct-23 | Check if the user is part of the [Papyrus Users] AD user group and get the connection settings if available | | 2018-Oct-08 | Trim trailing spaces on Accession Number and Barcodes before printing spine labels | | 2018-Oct-08 | Add the printing of ID cards to the Member Screen | | 2018-Oct-08 | Remove error in menu Info when checking Invalid Barcodes. Check for Members with a member number the same as an accession number or barcode | | 2018-Oct-05 | Correct the error when a spine printer has not been selected and printing Avery spine labels. Set to the default printer | | 2018-Oct-05 | Increase the size if the Spine Printer field in Gl;obal Settings | | 2018-Sep-07 | Ensure the Search result Toolstrips are left aligned | | 2018-Sep-07 | When an Item in OPAC is selected, the OK, the OK the OK button becomes active to select the item | | 2018-Sep-07 | Expand the Authority records when a BRN is double clicked in OPAC | | 2018-Sep-05 | Automatic searching for book covers matched a previous book's cover to the next book if the next record was selected before it found a cover | | 2018-Sep-05 | If using a photo directory, photos cannot be found unless the path has a trailing \ | | 2018-Sep-03 | When Cataloguing, if a stock item was entered first, an UPDATE error occured when the SAVE button was clicked | | 2018-Aug-30 | Download setup file SETUP.EXE is now signed with a SSL Certificate which authenticates Parity Software as the Developer | | 2018-Aug-30 | Corrected the Updating of Issues and Members to the Papyrus Cloud | | 2018-Aug-29 | Changed bottom of main screen to show how many member records and issues need to be uploaded | | 2018-Aug-29 | Changed Uploading of Issues to be more efficient and to include History if selected in Cloud Backup | | 2018-Aug-25 | Upgrade of Professional Version from 5 to 6 had problems increasing the USERS field from 10 to 50 characters. | | 2018-Aug-25 | Included an option in the Front Desk to have three email options: Only the Overdues, All Issued Items and All History | | 2018-Aug-25 | Corrected the email reminders to have the reminder and date due on seperate tags #overdue and #reminder. | | 2018-Aug-25 | Included #accno and #barcode in the tags for the email body in reminders. Screen changed in Global Parameters, Mailing Options | | 2018-Aug-25 | Included Issued items that were not overdue in email reminders | | 2018-Aug-25 | Front Desk only displayed Issued items when the books were correctly linked. If an accession number was moved from one book to another, items didn't display | | 2018-Aug-25 | Sorted Email Reminders to have items listed by the most overdue | | 2018-Aug-22 | The Setup Data screen now has an AD connection option for quick setup in Active Directory Sites | | 2018-Aug-22 | If the data connection is being setup for the first time, if Active Directory is being used, the connection string will be retrieved from the Papyrus Users AD notes attribute |